The random thoughts of a Christian parrot
My human owner and I think the world of one another. We are the best of chums. For over 18 years now, we’ve built up a friendship based on real trust, understanding and love. Which made it all the more surprising when one morning, last year, he put his finger into my cage to give me my usual “Good Morning” tickle, and I nipped it. In fact, I nipped it so hard that I drew blood. In that split second, I betrayed our 18 years of friendship.

So why did I do it? Maybe I got off my perch the wrong side that morning. But I not only shocked my owner; I shocked myself. Where did that come from? And then an uncomfortable realization dawned upon me. For we all carry a seed of evil deep within our make-up. Some more than others. Many of us manage to surround it with love; a love that quietly contains it deep inside. But if anything allows that evil to break free, then trouble, conflict, hurt and much worse can all come tumbling out.
As we approach Easter, many of us will be thinking about Jesus’ sacrifice upon the cross. The cross should really stand as a symbol of evil; a symbol of humanity’s fickleness, cruelty and self-destruction. But instead, the cross has become an incredible symbol of love. Because by dying on the cross to win Salvation, Jesus has contained the evil of that moment by encasing it with love. His love. Offering us all hope instead of despair. Compassion instead of punishment. And of course, love instead of hatred.

Love really can conquer everything. And when we allow love to fill up our hearts in the midst of trouble and conflict, then the evil seed within us will always be contained. That’s why the Bible tells us to:
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-treat you. If someone strikes you on the cheek, turn to him the other also…..” (Luke 6:27-29).
My human owner forgave me for nipping him, and hopefully, we will continue to be the best of friends for another 18 years. And if all of us could only envelop our anger, angst, frustration and tension with genuine love and compassion, then our current world would change forever.