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Coco Calling No. 122 - God Within Us

Writer's picture: CocoCoco

Last week, I was sitting on my perch listening to that human cockatoo called “Boris” as he was warning humans about a “bumpy ride” ahead. With Covid cases rising and a cold, dark Winter looming, I feel rather sorry for humans at the moment.

Of course, some humans will view these challenges in a positive way. Back in the 1920’s and 30’s, at the time of the Great Depression in America, Henry Ford said:

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, and not with it.”

But there will also be a great many humans questioning where the presence of God is right now, as they do whenever tragedy strikes or hard times prevail. So if there really is a God, why doesn’t He get rid of the Coronavirus for the sake of the world? Why hasn’t He done so already? So many people are losing loved ones, their jobs, their savings, their freedom and their sanity…..

But when we ask questions like that, we are in a sense, denying our own responsibility for helping the world. Because we all have a part to play, but so many of us fail to see it. Instead we prefer to blame others for our misfortune, especially politicians and God.

There’s no doubt that God, as creator of our world, could instantly step in to halt the Coronavirus, and bring peace and harmony to our world. But that’s not how He chooses to operate. Not since Jesus left our world. Instead God mainly operates through all of us collectively. From deep within us. From inside anyone that invites Him in, and who holds an abundance of love, compassion, justice and goodness in their hearts. The very qualities that make us want to give, to help, to care and to share. And so every time we turn away from these things, we are in effect turning away from God and cutting Him out from the world in which we live.

We’ve all been created and designed to bring the presence of God into our world through our thoughts, our words and our actions. Through our work, our voice, our compassion, our gifts, our listening, our hope and our very presence. It’s only by living with the presence of God in our hearts that we can overcome Life’s huge challenges.

Hopefully the pandemic will bring all of us closer together in a good way. The same kind of silver lining to the dark clouds that Henry Ford saw all those years ago. But ultimately, it all comes down to us. How we choose to react. What we choose to hold in our hearts, and give out to the world…...

If a small parrot can write a weekly blog for others, just think what you’re capable of right now…...



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