Like all parrots, I can be extremely vain. I have the irresistible urge to show the world how beautiful I am. I like to stretch out my wings, fan my tail, and dramatically pluck and pull and shuffle my feathers around, -all in the hope that somebody’s looking.
And many humans are exactly the same. In the U.K., humans spend more than 27 billion pounds per year on beauty products. Yes, 27 billion. U.K. humans must think they’re born very ugly!

And here’s another problem: as we grow older, we become less physically attractive. We start to bulge or shrink; to wrinkle or crack. And if you’re really unlucky, all four can happen at once! The writer, Barbara Cartland once said:
“After forty a woman has to choose between losing her figure or her face. My advice is to keep your face, and stay sitting down.”
Most of us want to stay young and beautiful. And there’s nothing wrong with using a spot of touch-up paint or gloss to make the best of what we’ve got. But 27 billion pounds suggests that beauty’s become an obsession. Because our physical looks and beauty are nothing more than an outward façade. Outward beauty is superficial. For real beauty comes from deep within. And it can’t be bought in packets or tubes. Real beauty is all about your heart and your soul, and it’s something that will naturally shine through any wrinkles or blemishes; through thinning hair or unwanted bulges.
