Today, like every day that has ever gone before, countless heroic stories are being played out around the world. And perhaps humans are slightly more aware of it now because of the impact of Coronavirus. There are, at this very moment, doctors and nurses and carers battling against the odds (and their own personal fatigue) to look after millions of very sick patients.

Elsewhere, somewhere in the world, there are heroic rescues taking place, lives being saved, acts of survival against all odds, as well as self-sacrifice for the benefit of others…..
And then there are the heroes that somehow eek out a daily existence when everything seems to conspire against them. The poor in the shanty towns and refugee camps; the down-and-outs on the streets; the victims of man-made war and conflict.
And it’s not just humans that are the heroes in our world. Far from it. Virtually every living thing on our planet seeks out an existence against all odds. The birds in your back garden. The creatures in our polluted seas. The animals in the rapidly disappearing rainforests. And it’s such a tragedy that humans (whom I like very much) make the situation a thousand times worse, not only for creation, but also for themselves.
And there’s also the problem of mindless killing. For even when creatures do defy the odds and survive, some humans then go out to shoot or hunt these heroes of God’s creation. Supposedly in the name of “sport” or “tradition”. But why? Why do they do it? The guns have been firing off around here since Boxing Day, shattering the peace and stillness 0f the countryside. Is it out of mindless ignorance? A lack of understanding? Do some humans have a kind of inner blood lust? Do they simply have to assert an “alpha male / female” predator instinct? Do they secretly yearn to be at the top of the food chain even if it results in the termination of heroic life?
