I was recently having a good preen on my perch and listening to humans talking on the radio. And not for the first time, I heard somebody say: “I don’t do Christianity or religion.” And I thought to myself how wrong you are. Because most of us in the western world do “do” Christianity, whether we’re aware of it or not. Because the teachings of Jesus form the bedrock of the modern western societies in which we exist. Jesus gave us all a model for good living here on Earth, and although there will always be room for improvement, most western societies still mainly keep to His teachings. And it’s not simply a case of abiding by the Ten Commandments, -murder, stealing, adultery and all the rest….

Jesus offered us all a new vision for living; a set of ideals that were totally revolutionary for their time. His teaching was that we should all value everybody equally. Irrespective of status, age, power, culture, race, wealth and gender (Galatians 3:28). And the parable of The Good Samaritan adds compassion into the mix (Luke 10:25-37). The same compassion that we see today in the work of the wonderful N.H.S., Social Security systems, and the care of vulnerable humans in society. Irrespective of their racial, ethnic or cultural backgrounds.
