During the last few days I’ve been thinking very deeply. Yes, I’ve been gently rocking on my perch in quiet cogitation. Thinking about whether God’s pleased with me, and whether I’m good enough to get into Heaven. It’s a question which a lot of us will ask at some stage in our lives, especially as we get that little bit older.
There was once a human Sunday School teacher who decided to put this very question to her group of children. She asked them:
“If I sold my house and car and all of my possessions and gave all of the money to charity, would that be enough to get me into Heaven?”
“No!” the children shouted back.
“If I attended church every single Sunday throughout my life, visited the sick and elderly and gave up my spare time to volunteer in the local foodbank, would that be enough to get me into Heaven?”
“No!” yelled the children louder than ever.
Hoping that someone was about to bring up Jesus’ role in all this, she asked them:
“So what would I still need to do?”
“You’ve got to die first!” came the reply.

Photo credit: Pixabay