My human owner often likes to read and inwardly digest his Bible. I’m very similar except that I like to gnaw my Bible first before doing the digestion bit. You could say that we are both Biblical scholars in our own particular way.
The Bible is full of wisdom, and one of my favourite passages is the story of Noah and the great flood. It doesn’t mention very much about parrots being on board the ark, but I have no doubt they were there somewhere. And it’s a story which offers us all some very sound advice. Advice such as:
· Don’t miss the boat.
· Remember, we’re all in the same boat together.
· Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah started to build the ark!
· Stay fit. When you’re sixty years old, someone may ask you to do something really important!
Although there is a lot of truth in what I’ve listed here, I’m actually made these points a bit tongue in beak. Because there’s a much deeper message in the story of Noah’s Ark, -the message of listening to God. It’s a message which transcends all generations and which is as relevant today as it was back in Noah’s time. Noah had a strong faith and made sure that he was listening when God spoke to him. We are told that “Noah was a righteous man” (Genesis6:9a) and that he “… did everything just as God commanded.” (Genesis 6:22). He allowed himself to be used for God’s purpose. And because of that, Noah and his family survived and prospered while so many others were washed away. You could also describe Noah as the worlds very first conservationist. He ensured the survival of many species which would otherwise have perished in the flood.

Image credit: Pixabay