Some humans think I live a very boring existence. After all, I wake up every morning on the very same perch, in the very same location, in the very same house. It’s been that way for over ten years now. But I never feel bored at all. And that’s because I’ve always kept my inner sense of wonder. I’m still a chick at heart, marvelling at the world around me. Our natural world is full of miraculous things. Nature is like an extraordinary machine that has been crafted, honed, and lovingly serviced by the ultimate Master Craftsman. And it’s when I marvel at the natural world around me that I truly sense the presence of God. And there are some humans that feel the same way too:
“The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God.”
(Pope Francis: 1936- present).
Of course, this world doesn’t offer us the perfection of Heaven. It comes with much suffering and hardship and threats and menace. But if we can only see behind what’s wrong with our world, then the work of a loving Creator is all around. Outside my window, I’m starting to see some signs of Spring. The days are growing longer and the first Snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils are up and flowering.

Soon the great flocks of starlings which are daily visitors to the garden feeders will somehow know it’s time for them to migrate back to Scandinavia. There’s something very reassuring about the rhythm of the natural world of which I form a part. It shows there’s an underlying pattern and a structure to our lives which is bigger and greater than we can ever be.
