It’s very rare for me to write two consecutive blogs with the same title, but it’s a real joy to do so, because it means I’ve got another uplifting story to share with you. And it’s another story about human kindness.
Last week, the fledged son of my owner returned home from a long spell abroad. And he couldn’t wait to jump into his old car, and travel around visiting friends. Unfortunately, as he was driving along a country road some distance from where we live, he hit a very deep pothole. The force of the jolt was so great that it snapped the driveshaft under his car so that it was rendered helpless. And as he was standing beside his car, wondering what to do, a lady appeared from a nearby house, and let him push the car off the road into the comparative safety of her driveway. And not only that; she then invited him in for a cup of tea and a piece of cake while he worked out what he should do.
