In the middle of our village, we have what was once a bright red talking box. Yes, humans used to wander in, and talk into a bone-shaped piece of plastic for hours on end. Not surprisingly, after some years, the novelty of this wore off and because the box wasn’t used very much, it was decommissioned. Yes, somebody came out and disconnected all of the wires. This was a very sad event for the box because it had suddenly lost its role and purpose in the village.
But not for ever! After many months, the box was given a new lease of life. The human villagers painted it and made shelving for it, so that eventually, the box was reinvented as “The Village Larder.” Yes, anyone with any surplus food or vegetables can place items inside for folk less fortunate. There’s no charge for anything, but when humans choose to make a donation for the produce that they take, the money is given to the local human foodbank. So that after several years of neglect, the box has now become the beating heart of the village.
