Last week, I told you what happened when my owner’s wife suddenly had a fit in the middle of the night. And there’s a side-story to this which I’ll tell you now. Because while they were waiting in the A&E department of the hospital, a little drama occurred in the bay next to theirs, where another human behaved like a very bad parrot.
A young lady was brought in; she was apparently a “regular” visitor to the A&E department, and she was a drama queen. She was shouting and squirming and feigning being sick. She refused to get onto her bed, preferring instead to lay on the floor. And swore at the nurses around her, -the very people whose help she needed. This young human was coming off a combined high of vodka, cocaine and marijuana. Sometime later, her mother arrived and announced that unless her daughter received immediate and special medical treatment, she was going to lodge a complaint against all of the staff and doctors present. It appears they were as bad as one another.
Despite all this, the medical staff remained polite and courteous and attentive towards the young human and looked after her in just the same way as all of the other patients in the surrounding bays. Even though she didn’t deserve it, and her suffering was self-inflicted. And it occurred to me that when we show love and care and compassion towards others who are fighting and screaming back at us, this has to be the greatest love of all. And it gave a little insight in the love that God and Jesus have for all humanity (and parrots!). Because how many of us deserve to be truly loved or saved or forgiven? And yet Jesus died on the cross to win salvation for everyone. And perhaps that’s a thought we should all hang on to when we’re having a bad day at the hands of others …...
“He (God) loved us not because we are lovable, but because He is love.”
(C.S. Lewis:[1898-1963]: Northern Irish writer, university scholar and Anglican lay theologian)
“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”
(St. Augustine: [354-430]: Theologian and scholar of Berber origin who served as Bishop of Hippo Regius [Roman North Africa])
“No-one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.”
(1 John 4:12)
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”